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메뉴This study identified latent profiles in career stress and career preparation behaviors among college students. In addition, the current study examined how career motivation and other demographic characteristics such as sex and grade affect the classification of the latent profiles. A total of 475 college students participated in this study. For the purpose of the study, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) and Multiple Logistic Regression analysis were conducted, using M-Plus 7.0 program. Results revealed that there were five types of latent profiles: adaptive career behavior type, unconcerned career behavior type, overcoming career behavior type, confused career behavior type, and struggling career behavior type. Regarding career motivation, career identity was found to be the most influencing factor in the classification of the profiles, along with career insight and career resilience. Also, sex and grade affected several group differences. Implications and limitations of the current findings and recommendations for further study were discussed.
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