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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Korean Adaptation of Social Preference Scale for Adolescents


This study developed and validated the Korean version of the Social Preference Scale(K-SPS) for adolescents. Items from Social Preference Scale - Revised (Bowker & Raja, 2011) and Emerging Adult Social Preference Scale (Nelson, 2013), which are self-reported measures of three subtypes of social withdrawal (shyness, unsociability, and avoidance) and social isolation, were adapted into Korean and were validated with 4 samples of 985 adolescents at 11 middle schools in Northeastern region of South Korea. Exploratory factor analyses generated a four-factor solution and subsequent confirmatory analyses with another independent sample confirmed the four-factor model of the K-SPS of 20 items, including isolation, avoidance, shyness, and unsociability. Each factor demonstrated an adequate internal consistency, and all factors were interrelated but distinguishable as they were positively correlated one another at low-to-moderate levels. Criterion-related validity of the K-SPS was demonstrated by significant and predicted patterns of bivariate correlations of each factor with various indices of socio-emotional maladjustment, such as depression, interpersonal anxiety, loneliness, bullying and victimization, as well as with an extant self-report measure of social withdrawal, K-YSR. Further, convergent and discriminant validity was demonstrated when each factor from the K-SPS was strongly correlated with another measure of a similar construct and had weaker correlations with measures of other distinct constructs. Finally, test-retest reliability was also found adequate. Implications and limitations of our findings were fully discussed, along with suggestions for further study.

social withdrawal, social isolation, shyness, avoidance, unsociability, 사회적 위축, 사회적 고립, 수줍음, 회피, 비사교성



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Korean Journal of School Psychology