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메뉴The purpose of the current study was to investigate direct and indirect effect of cognitive flexibility on job and life satisfaction using a sample of Korean secondary school teachers. To do so, we applied Lent and Brown’s(2006, 2008) Social Cognitive Career Theory of Well-being. Specifically, we considered cognitive flexibility as personal trait variable, supervisory support as environmental support component, teachers’ self-efficacy and outcome expectation as person cognitive components and examined relationships among these variables and job and life satisfaction. Participants of study was 219 teachers working in middle and high schools in Seoul and Kyounggi area. We used structural equation modeling to test structural relationships among variables as well as direct and mediating paths. The result suggested that the hypothesized model provide a good fit to the data and 9 hypothesized paths of variables were found as significant. As hypothesized, job satisfaction was positively associated with overall life satisfaction, and cognitive flexibility was significantly related to job satisfaction via supervisory support, teachers self-efficacy, outcome expectation. Also, a direct path between cognitive flexibility and overall life satisfaction and indirect paths via supervisory support, teachers self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and job satisfaction were significant. Based on these results, we discussed implications for counseling and educational interventions that enhance teachers’ job and life satisfaction. Finally, we discussed limitations of the present study and implications for future research.
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