This study examined the relationship of social withdrawal subtypes (i.e., shy, unsociable, and regulated withdrawal) and perceived class climates(PCLs) with peer victimization(PV) and tested if the PCLs moderate the relations between social withdrawal subtypes and PV among 382 middle school boys and girls. As significant mean differences by gender, in which middle school girls had higher shy withdrawal and relational PV scores, were found, subsequent analyses were conducted separately for boys and girls. Correlational and hierarchical regression analyses revealed that shy and unsociable withdrawal and “controlled” and “laissez-faire” PCLs were positively associated with PV, whereas “autonomous” and “sociable” PCLs were negatively correlated with PV for both boys and girls. Regulated withdrawal was differently associated with PV by gender; regulated withdrawal significantly increased PV among girls, while it was not associated with direct and relational PV and associated with increased pro-social behaviors by peers among boys. Further, the moderating roles of controlled and laissez-fair PCLs on the relations between shy and unsociable withdrawal and PV were significant only for girls; socially withdrawn middle school girls who were shy or regulated tended to report increased PV experiences, especially as they perceived higher levels of controlled or laissez-faire classmate. Implications and limitations of our findings were discussed and suggestions for future study were provided.
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