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메뉴The purpose of this study is to develop a group counseling program for adolescents with traumatic experiences and to verify the effect of the program. For this purpose, the posttraumatic growth program was developed in accordance with the group counseling program that based on the needs of field experts and the needs of the subjects. This program consisted of 10 sessions. To verify the effectiveness of the developed program, 20 characterization high school students were divided into experimental group and control group, and a total of 10 sessions were performed twice a week. After the program was conducted on the experimental group, quantitative analysis was conducted for comparison according to the lapse of time: before, after, and follow-up. independent sample t-analysis was used to examine homogeneity between two groups beforehand. Mixed ANOVA was also used to verify a hypothesis. In conclusion, the posttraumatic growth program has significant effects on posttraumatic growth and intentional rumination level with experienced adolescents. Findings and implications of this study were discussed.
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