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메뉴This study investigated the extent to which parental attitudes and the moderated mediation effect of academic failure tolerance and resilience affect their level of learned helplessness. The participants included 337 fifth and sixth graders in one elementary school in Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do Province. A survey method was used and the research packet included measures of parenting attitudes, helplessness, academic failure tolerance, and resilience. The results are as follows. First, positive parental attitudes, academic failure tolerance, and resilience were positively correlated with each other whereas learned helplessness was negatively associated with the other three variables. Second, academic failure tolerance partially mediated the relationship between parental attitudes and learned helplessness. Third, resilience moderated the relationship between academic failure tolerance and learned helplessness. Lastly, there was a significant moderated mediation effect of resilience on the link between parental attitudes and learned helplessness through academic failure tolerance. The findings indicates the importance of parenting attitudes perceived by elementary school students, academic failure tolerance, and resilience when designing counseling interventions for those with learned helplessness. This study also discusses its limitations and suggestions for future studies.
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