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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Effect of Attention Feedback Awareness and Control Training on Attention Bias and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms in college students


This study examined the effect of Attention Feedback Awareness and Control Training(A-FACT) on attention bias and generalized anxiety symptoms in college students. A total of 31 college students with at least 10 points on the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale or at least 56 points on the Korean version of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (K-PSWQ) with attention bias were randomly assigned to one of three groups: A-FACT(n = 11), Attention Bias Modification (ABM)(n = 10) and Active Placebo Control (APC)(n = 10). Participants in A-FACT group received real-time feedback on attention bias based on their Baseline Neutral Response time(BNR) during A-FACT using a dot probe task. Participants in the ABM group received standard ABM, and those in the APC performed a dot probe task that they were informed was a program to reduce attention bias, but feedback was not provided. A total of eight sessions was conducted twice a week over a 4-week period. After every two sessions, GAD-7, K-PSWQ and K-STAI were rated. The effect of attention bias modification training was rated by changes in the Attention Bias Score(ABS), and in GAD-7, K-PSWQ and K-STAI scores. The results of repeated measure ANOVA indicated that the A-FACT group showed a significant decrease in ABS as well as in GAD-7, K-PSWQ and K-STAI scores compared to the other groups. Current results suggest that self-regulatory control of attention, that is, recognition of bias through feedback in A-FACT, may be effective in alleviating attention bias and generalized anxiety symptoms by recognizing bias through feedback on bias in attention bias modification training.

범불안장애, 불안, 주의편향수정 훈련, 주의 피드백 인식 및 조절 훈련, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety, attention bias modification training, attention feedback awareness and control training



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Korean Journal of School Psychology