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메뉴The purpose of this study was to develop and examine the effectiveness of ‘Coping Resources Improvement Program’ designed for emerging adults experiencing psychosocial difficulties during college to work transition. Based on transition model of Scholossberg(1995), the program was developed to intervene in 4S (Situation, Self, Support, Strategy) required in the transition. Participants included 31 job applicants who are senior or above and were assigned to the experimental group (N=10), comparison group (N=10), and control group (N=11). Data to verify effectiveness were collected pre-, mid-, and post treatment. Results indicated that the level of coping resources and psychosocial difficulties in the transition changed significantly after the program and those changes were still maintained after a month in the experimental group. However, there were no statistically significant changes on job-search burnout and career-adaptability in all groups. The implication and limitation of the study and the suggestions for the future studies were discussed.
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