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메뉴This study was intended to verify that the Revised PAI-A scale reflected the internalization and externalization classification of adolescence problem behavior. For this purpose, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted using PAI-A restandardization data. In addition, 31 Revised PAI-A sub-scales and SUI scale were used to identify the detailed factor structures. As a result of the analysis, the classification of internalization and externalization factors was similar to that of previous studies. In detail, the sub-scales of ANX․DEP and SUI were classified into internalization, the sub-scales of ANT and AGG were classified into externalization. It is noteworthy that each sub-scale of PAI-A was separated into internalization or externalization. For example, BOR-A, BOR-I, and BOR-N were loaded into internalization, but BOR-S into externalization. Next, in order to confirm whether the structure of the derived internalization and externalization factors can be applied to new samples, 350 samples were randomly extracted and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, but exclusive of the samples used for exploratory factor analysis. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the appropriate indices of internalization and externalization classification was close to the good level. Therefore, the Revised PAI-A scales have theoretical relevance to internalization and externalization classification of problem behaviors. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it can be used helpfully in the school settings in the future. Finally, the significance and limitations of this study were discussed.
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