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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Development and Validation of Playfulness Scale for Upper Elementary School Students


This study was conducted to develop and determine the validity and reliability of a playfulness scale for upper elementary school students. For this purpose, open questionnaires were given to 255 fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade elementary school students as a preliminary survey. Factors were selected by reviewing previous studies and expert consultation. Content validity was confirmed by Delphi testing, which is the first and second expert reviews. Questions were confirmed by exploratory factor analysis. In the final version of the scale, there were 30 questions about five factors: self-direction, pleasure, creativity, relationship orientation, and aimlessness. This final questionnaire was given to 504 elementary school students. The responses to the data fit were verified through confirmatory factor analysis. This paper discusses how the first playfulness scale for upper elementary school students developed in South Korea can be used, its limitations, and suggestions for future research.

Playfulness, Upper elementary school students, Development, Validation, Inspection-re-inspection reliability
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Korean Journal of School Psychology