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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Relations among Middle School Students’ Personal Belief in a Just World and Reactive Aggression: Mediating Effects of Disciplinary Structure and Anger


This study was conducted to examine the mechanisms of reactive aggression among middle school students. For this purpose, the effect of personal belief in a just world (PBJW) was examined, with the consideration of disciplinary structure (classroom discipline fairness) and anger as mediators. For this purpose, self-report data from 290 middle school students (grade 1 to 3) in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were analyzed. Structural equation modeling analysis results indicated that anger had a simple mediating effect in the relationship between PBJW and reactive aggression. A dual mediating effect was also significant in the relationship between PBJW and reactive aggression, which is through disciplinary structure and anger in order. However, the simple mediation effect of discipline structure was not significant. PBJW did not directly influence reactive aggression. This study suggests that PBJW can reduce reactive aggression either by lowering the level of anger directly or by reducing anger as a result of increased perception of disciplinary fairness. This paper discusses these findings’ implications for developing reactive aggression intervention strategies.

personal belief in a just world, disciplinary structure, anger, reactive aggression
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Korean Journal of School Psychology