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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

Validation Study of the Korean Version of the Children’s Flourish Scale Based on the EPOCH Model


The EPOCH Model and the EPOCH measure were developed by Kern et al. (2016) to assess children’s and adolescents’ flourish. This study aimed to validate the Korean version of the EPOCH measure using a sample of South Korean children. Data were collected from 1,036 elementary school students in grades three to six. The results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that a second-order factor model with five factors at the first level and three factors at the second level (factor 1: OH, factor 2: EP, factor 3: C) was appropriate for South Korean children. The reliability of both the Korean children’s flourish scale and its subfactors were good. The results of the correlation analysis indicated version of the EPOCH measure and its subfactors were positively associated with students’ multidimensional life satisfaction and its subfactors and negatively associated with mental health problems and their subfactors. The Korean version of the EPOCH measure for South Korean children can be used to develop interventions to promote their flourish.

children, elementary school students, flourish, EPOCH model
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Korean Journal of School Psychology