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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

The Effect of Parentification on Conflictual Independence from Parents, Self-assertiveness, and Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness


This study examined the effect of sub-factors of parentification(instrumental, emotional, unfairness) on conflictual independence from parents, self-assertiveness, and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness. A survey was conducted with 203 college students on parentification, psychological separation from parents, self-assertiveness, and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness. The results revealed that the group perceiving high unfairness within family showed less conflictual independence from parents, lower self-assertiveness, and higher ambivalence over emotional expressiveness compared to the others perceiving relatively low unfairness. Highly instrumental parentification group also showed less self-assertiveness. However, there was no difference between highly emotional parentification group and its counterpart. The implication of the results and suggestions for further research are discussed.

Parentification, Conflictual independence from parents, self-assertiveness, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness
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Korean Journal of School Psychology