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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Article Detail

An Investigation on ATI effects for junior high school students - Considering the interaction between Learners' aptitude factor and teachers' characteristics -


This investigation was designed to confirm ATI effects between learners' aptitude factor such as intellect, emotion, and volition and both individual and task-oriented characteristics of teachers. It was also investigated to find out which teachers' type is more appropriate to the learners' aptitude factor, and to clarify that what is the aptitude variable easy-to-encourage instructional intervention. I tried to introduce as many as possible of aptitude variables in the model, and I made to improve the predictive power to the school grades by treating aptitude variables wholly that had been treated partially up to now. The causal model was composed of 90 Korean junior high school boys in Seoul city. It was analyzed according to the types of teacher for each subjects how inner variables (i.e. intellect, emotion, and volition) and substitute teacher'corresponding method (i.e. the individual-oriented and the task-oriented) affect the learners' school achievements. As a result, the volition factor was most affected by teacher's types. Bur, it was found that the interaction effect was derived mathematically alone. That is, the interaction term entered model (.103) showed higher Sig. F Change than it's none entered model (.791). Moreover, Structural Equation Modeling showed that the weak task-oriented teacher more influenced on learners' volitional than the strong task-oriented teacher in the national language and English. On the other hand, in mathematics, both the strong task-oriented and individual-oriented teacher greatly affected them. This suggests the possibility of educational intervention of the teacher. Teachers should lead a class in consideration of the instructional intervention program and training to develop learners' volitional factors than intellectual factors. This is because volitional factor could be controlled by the responsibility of oneself and intellectual factor influenced by inheritance and was hardly controlled for oneself.

ATI, factors of intellect, emotion, volition, school grades, teacher type, Covariance Structure Analysis(Structural Equation Modeling)
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Korean Journal of School Psychology