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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The relationship between academic demand and academic burnout: the role of control


The aim of present study is to examine not only the relationship between academic demand and academic burnout but also the function of control on two variables based on the job demand-control model(DCM). The participants of this study were 490 middle school students. The result of hierarchical regression analyses and path analysis were as follow: control was confirmed not moderator but suppression variable in between academic demand and academic burnout. The results support that academic control was decreased the relationship between academic demand and academic burnout. These findings suggest that improving academic control may be effective on preventing and intervening academic burnout Finally, the limitations of this study were discussed.

demand-control model, academic burnout, academic demand, control, 요구통제모형, 학업소진, 학업과다, 통제감



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Korean Journal of School Psychology