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Korean Journal of School Psychology

The Influence of the School Teachers’ Values on Attitude toward the Children from International Marriage Family


This study was explored for two purposes. The first was to examine the school teachers' attitudes toward the children from international marriage family, and the second was to find the influence of the school teachers' values on attitudes toward the children from international marriage family. For the purpose, 440 teachers from elementary school, middle school, and high school completed the questionnaires. The results were as followed: First, males had negative cognitive attitude and feeling pity toward the children from international marriage family, and they were high in authoritarian personality tendency, pure-blooded ethnic identity, and ethnocentrism. Second, age of 50 over group were higher authoritarian personality tendency, pure-blooded identity and ethnocentrism than the younger groups. Third, elementary school teachers had more positive emotional attitude and higher civilized ethnic identity and positivity of multicultural society than middle and high school teachers. Fourth, the teachers in the schools including the children from international marriage family were more negative cognitive, negative emotional attitudes, and high uncertainty avoidance tendency than the opposite. Fifth, in positive cognitive and emotional attitude toward the children from international marriage family, positivity of multicultural society, and civilized ethnic identity were influencing factors, but, in the negative cognitive and emotional attitude, authoritarian personality tendency and uncertainty avoidance tendency were influencing factors. Lastly, in behavioral attitude, uncertainty avoidance tendency, positivity of multicultural society, civilized ethnic identity and ethnocentrism influenced to a-little-close relationship formation, but, in close relationship formation, pure blooded ethnic identity and positivity of multicultural society were influencing factors. Based on the results, the implications for instruction of the students from international marriage family and the multicultural education for the teachers were discussed.

국제결혼가정자녀, 소수집단에 대한 태도, 고정관념, 사회적 가치, 다문화교육, children from international marriage family, attitude toward minority, stereotype, social value, multicultural education.



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Korean Journal of School Psychology