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Korean Journal of School Psychology


A study on two subtypes of Aggression based on the K-CBCL aggressive behavior subscale


The purpose of this study was to investigate the subtypes of aggression based on the factor analysis of Korean version of the Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 aggressive syndrome scale. Participants were the normative sample for the K-CBCL 6-18 revised version (1,353 boys and 1,263 girls) and the K-YSR 6-18 revised version(850 boys, 779 girls). Exploratory factor analyses produced a 2-factor solution on 14 of the K-CBCL's original aggressive behavior subscale 18 items. Factor 1 was "Oppositional Aggression", factor 2 was "Direct Aggression". In addition, we confirmed the fitness of 2-factor structure according to a confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling, which indicated that 2-factor structures exist for both the K-CBCL and K-YSR. When the differences in mean of each subtype of aggression for different age and gender groups were explored, the results varied according to age and gender. In the case of girl groups, oppositional aggression was significantly higher than direct aggression. However, in the case of boy groups, direct aggression was significantly higher than oppositional aggression. Oppositional aggression escalated between the lower grades and the higher grades of elementary school, decreased with age. On the other hand, direct aggression showed the highest scores among the lower grades of elementary school, and declined over time. Moreover, correlation analysis revealed that oppositional aggression showed higher correlations with internalizing problems while direct aggression showed higher correlations with rule breaking behavior(externalizing problem), and this provided good evidence that 2-subtypes of aggression model is valid.

아동기 공격성, 반항적 공격성, 직접적 공격성, K-CBCL, K-YSR, Childhood aggression, oppositional aggression, direct aggression, K-CBCL 6-18, K-YSR 6-18



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Korean Journal of School Psychology