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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Temperament and Empathy on the overt and covert narcissistic subjects in youth group


In this study, narcissistic group of the junior high school students were divided into two subtypes of overt and covert. To investigate differences of two groups the Narcissistic Personality Disorder Scale(in PDDS-A), the Covert Narcissism Scale (CNS), The Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), and The Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) were administered to 325 students of age 13-14. 35 students of those were overt narcissistic and 45 students of those were covert narcissistic. The control group was consisted of 37 students. Correlation analysis have been carried out using SPSS. As a result, the covert narcissistic students showed statistically higher Novelty seeking and Harm avoidance but lower Persistence compare to the overt narcissistic and control students. After looking for empathy between groups, we found that overt narcissistic student present better perspective-taking than covert. And overt and covert narcissistic students showed higher fantasy compare to controls. There was no difference between groups on empathic concern. On personal distress, covert narcissistic students showed higher score than the overts and the controls. These results suggested that covert narcissists have more malfunctioned aspects on the other hand the overt narcissists are rather adaptive in a real world.

외현적 자기애 성격, 내현적 자기애 성격, 기질, 공감 능력, Overt Narcissistic personality disorder, Covert Narcissistic personality disorder, Temperament, Empathy



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Korean Journal of School Psychology