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Korean Journal of School Psychology


The Relationships among the Strategies of Motivation Regulation, the Motivation Types of Self-Determination, and Academic Achievement of the Middle School Students


This study was conducted to explore how middle school students regulate motivation, and to explore the relationships between the strategies of motivation regulation and the motivation types of self-determination, and to explore the differences in the strategies of motivation regulation between high school achievement group and low school achievement group according to the motivation types of self-determination. Five hundred seventy four middle school students participated in this study. The results of this study showed: (a) that the regulation of environment is most frequently used by middle school students, followed by the performance self-talk, the task value, and the regulation of interests; (b) that the regulation of motivation has significantly positive correlations with introjective motivation, identified motivation, and intrinsic motivation, and the strategies of motivation regulation have explained intrinsic motivation and identified motivation among the motivation types of self-determination; (c) that the regulation of motivation has positive correlation with school achievement, and the higher school achievement the students have, the higher self-efficacy scores they have, regardless of the types of self-determination. The results of this study were discussed and the further studies based on the limitations of this study were suggested.

동기조절전략, 자기결정동기 유형, 학업성취, regulation of motivation, motivation types of self-determination, school achievement, middle school students



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Korean Journal of School Psychology