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메뉴One of the most common characteristics exhibited by children and adolescents with ADHD is academic impairment. This review examined non-medication intervention studies on the academic impairment of students with ADHD in the general categories including behavioral interventions, academic interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy & self-regulation. The results showed that non-medication interventions appeared to be effective in enhancing academic functioning of students with ADHD. Behavioral interventions have demonstrated an impact on academic behavioral variables while academic interventions on academic performance variables. Efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy in improving academic outcomes is limited. Majority of studies conducted over preadolescent boys. Thus, the extent to which these results might generalized to girls and adolescents should be examined. Studies which used teacher, parents, peers & computers as mediators for interventions showed effective. The majority of studies that have been conducted are limited by methodological flaws. Recommendations for future research efforts are delineated.
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