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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Resistance in School Consultation:A Social Cognitive Theory Perspective


When delivering consultative services in schools, consultants need to understand 'resistance' within the context of consultation and develop skills to effectively manage it. With a growing interest in psychological and educational consultation in schools over the last few decades, research in this area has significantly been increased and a fair amount of literature has been published concerning resistance in school consultation. However, currently available discussions on this topic are limited in terms of their scopes and theoretical foundations, and an attempt to integrate them from a theoretical perspective has not been made yet. This article examines various aspects of resistance in school consultation from the perspective of Bandura(1986)'s Social Cognitive Theory. Specifically, this article conceptualizes resistance in school consultation and reviews various causes and types of resistance based on triadic reciprocality. This article also explores a potential role of self-efficacy in the consultee's motivational process of resistance. Overall. this article demonstrates that Social Cognitive Theory can serve as a useful theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding various aspects of resistance and developing a management plan with resistance in school consultation.

resistance, school consultation, social cognitive theory, triadic reciprocality, self-efficacy, 학교자문, 컨설테이션, 저항, 사회인지이론, 삼원교호작용, 자기효능감, resistance, school consultation, social cognitive theory, triadic reciprocality, self-efficacy



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Korean Journal of School Psychology