The major purposes of this study were whether need for cognitive closure and self-esteem have an influence on school adaptation and psychological well-being of chinese international student or not. Participants of this study were one hundred twenty chinese students who attended a sungkyunkwan university located in Seoul, Korea. As a non-experimental study, a questionnaire that consisted of need for cognitive closure, self-esteem, school adaptation and psychological well-being was used. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, unpaired t-test, one-way ANOVA, Turkey test, correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression. The summary of the results is as follows: First, there are significant differences in need for cognitive closure according to grade, the length of stay and study in korea. Second, there are significant differences in school adaptation according to gender and the length of study in korea. Third, there are significant differences in psychological well-being according to gender, grade and the length of study in korea. Last, there are significant effects the need for cognitive closure and self-esteem on school adaptation and psychological well-being.
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