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Korean Journal of School Psychology


Effects of Staff Training in Positive Behavior Support(PBS) on the Behaviors of Staff and Children with Developmental Disabilities in an Inpatient Unit


The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of staff training in PBS on the behaviors of staff and children with developmental disabilities in an inpatient unit. The perceived significance of children's problem behavior and staff's caring stress significantly decreased with the intervention. A satisfaction survey reported staff's high satisfaction with the process and results of staff training. This study suggests that PBS is a socially valid and positive intervention with problem behavior of children with developmental disabilities. The implications and limitations of this study, with directions for future research, are also discussed.

positive behavior support, staff training, children with developmental disabilities, behavior problems, inpatient unit, 긍정적 행동지원, 입원 병동, 발달장애 아동, 문제행동



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Korean Journal of School Psychology