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메뉴The purpose of this study was to develop the Youth Academic Resilience Scale(YARS) and to validate it. This study was involved took third steps. First, 80 preliminary items were developed based on theoretical literature, open-ended questions, interviews. To verify the content validity, 7 counseling experts rated those items. Second, the scale consisting of 54 items was administered to sample of 160 adolescents. Third, the scale consisting of 100 items was administered to sample of 233 adolescents. Data were collected from 650 samples, and 100 samples of them were eliminated based on response dishonesty. Finally, items of the scale were reduced to 47 items. Factor analysis showed evidence of construct validity of the scale. Five factor were extracted from the factor analysis: factor 1(11 items) implies ‘family support’, factor 2(9 items) implies ‘peer relation’, factor 3(10 items) implies ‘problem solving’, factor 4(10 items) implies ‘aspiration’, factor 5(7 items) implies ‘academic environment’. Internal consistency(Cronbach's α) of total score showed .93 and Cronbach's α of 5 subfactors demonstrated .84∼.89. To verify the convergent validity and discriminant validity of the developed scales, the self-esteem scale and hopelessness scale were administered. The result of the study indicated that YARS scores positively and significantly correlated with the self-esteem scale, negatively and significantly correlated with the hopelessness scale. Thus, YARS demonstrated satisfactory convergent validity and discriminant validity. In addition, the limitation of study and the practical use of the YARS was discussed.
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