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Korean Journal of School Psychology


A Person-Centered Analysis of Achievement Goal Orientations for Gifted and Non-Gifted 7th Graders


This study examined whether distinct student profiles emerged from achievement goal orientations in Korean samples of the gifted and non-gifted 7th graders. Additionally, profile differences in terms of self-efficacy and academic burnout were scrutinized, as well as differences in student profiles by gender and giftedness. Four groups of students with unique achievement goal orientation profiles were identified by a cluster analysis: (a) success-oriented(31.3%), (b) mastery-oriented(22.3%), (c) typical(35.1%), and (d) disengaged(11.3%) profiles. The profile difference between gender groups was not a statistically significant, but between the giftedenss groups. Observed differences in self-efficacy and academic burnout indicated that goals related to self-improvement and active engagement with learning were positively related to self- efficacy, whereas avoidance tendencies and disengaged types were negatively associated with psychological well-being. Findings demonstrate the importance of including measures of leaners' self-efficacy and psychological well-being, when evaluating the role of achievement goal orientations in learning and achievement. Finally, the usefulness of a person-centered approach in understanding groups of learners with different types of needs and problems was discussed.

achievement goal orientation, self-efficacy, academic burnout, cluster analysis, a person-centered approach, gifted students, 성취목표지향성, 자기효능감, 학업소진, 군집분석, 개인-중심적 접근, 영재



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Korean Journal of School Psychology