This study is aimed to develope Validation Needs From Others Scale for Adolescents, based on a approval motivation definition. Theoretical system on validation from others, considering definitions by based on Revised Martin-Larsen Approval Motivation Scale(RMLAM; Martin, 1984) and new items for this study are developed. 390 high school students in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon were surveyed and validity was verified by preliminary testing and present testing. Validation Needs From Others Scale, which are of composed 2 factor with 11 items, is developed by analyzing data results from the surveys. The 11 items show high correlation between items. Reliability from inter-item consistency reliability is also high. Correlation analysis is applied to evaluate between conformity of scale and related propriety. From the analysis suggest that validation Needs from others has the positive relationship with evaluation concerns perfectionism, anxidty and depression. Finally, the limits and further discussion of the study are suggested.
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