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Korean Journal of School Psychology


A Study on the Relationships between Professional Help-seeking Behavior and Social Support Network among Adolescents


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between professional help-seeking behavior and social support network among adolescents. Participants with showing professional help-seeking behavior were one hundred twenty-eight middle school students who visited counseling center for counseling. Participants with not showing professional help-seeking behavior were one hundred ten middle school students who ranked high 20% in the questionnaire of problem behavior. Thus, two hundred thirty-eight middle school students completed questionnaires about social support network variables. The results indicated that the students with professional help-seeking behavior showed more positive network orientation than the students who did not show professional help-seeking behavior. The students with professional help-seeking behavior perceived more information support, material support, and emotional support, and also perceived more support from friends and family than those of not showing professional help-seeking behavior. With relation to the differences in the social support network by problem areas, students with problems of mental health perceived lower support than students with no problems for the group of professional help-seeking behavior. The implication of these findings were discussed.

professional help-seeking behavior, social support, adolescent, counseling seeking behavior, 상담추구행동, 사회적지지 망, 청소년, 사회적 지지, 전문적 도움추구행동



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Korean Journal of School Psychology