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Korean Journal of School Psychology


he Structural Relationship among Attachment of Children, Emotional Identification and Expression Abilities, Social Ability and Behavioral problems


The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural relationships among school-aged children’s behavioral problems, attachment, emotional identification and expression ability, and social ability. The subjects for this study were 372 Children in 5th and 6th grade randomly selected from three elementary schools. The collected data were analyzed with AMOS 19.0. The results showed that: 1) emotional identification and expression ability and social ability were found to affect children’s behavioral problems; 2) attachment were found to affect emotional identification and expression ability and social ability; 3) emotional identification and expression ability were found to have indirect effect on children’s behavioral problems mediated by social ability; 4) attachment were found to have indirect effect on children’s behavioral problems mediated by emotional identification and expression ability or social ability.

attachment, emotional identification, emotional expression, social ability, behavioral problems, mediation model



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Korean Journal of School Psychology