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메뉴The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of achievement goal orientation, hope and learning strategy on academic achievement and school adjustment. The subjects were 480 elementary school students who responded to the tests of achievement goal orientation, hope, learning strategy, and school adjustment. Also, the researcher analyzed the scores of academic achievements administered by Chungnam Office of Education. Mastery and performance approach goal orientations had positive effects on hope and learning strategy. Hope had a positive effect on learning strategy and learning strategy had a positive effect on academic achievement. However, performance avoidance goal orientation had a negative effect on hope and mastery avoidance goal orientation had a negative effect on academic achievement. Hope and mastery approach goal orientation had a positive effect on school adjustment, but mastery avoidance goal orientation had a negative effect on school adjustment. Mastery and performance approach goal orientation had a positive effect on learning strategy by the mediation of hope. And, mastery and performance had positive effects on school adjustment and academic achievement by the mediation of hope and learning strategy. However, performance avoidance goal orientation had a negative effect on learning strategy by the mediation of hope, and performance avoidance goal had a negative effect on school adjustment by the mediation of hope and learning strategy. Hope had a positive effect on school adjustment by the mediation of learning strategy.
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