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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

A study on the determination of lead in whole blood by ICP/MS

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1997, v.10 no.4, pp.240-245
Park, Kyung Su
Kim, Sun Tae
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An accurate analysis method for the determination of lead in whole blood by ICP/MS was developed. Whole blood samples were decomposed in microwave digestion system without any contamination and loss of lead. The 96 samples were analyzed by ICP/MS using mass<TEX>$^{208}$</TEX> isotope of lead. Lead concentrations of human whole blood were ranged of <TEX>$2.50{\sim}22.8{\mu}g/dL$</TEX>. The accuracy of this analysis method was verified by analyzing of NIST SRM 955a series(lead in blood).

Analysis of whole blood, Blood analysis by ICP/MS, Lead in blood

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Analytical Science and Technology