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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Identification of Buza by Detecting Aconitine-type Alkaloids

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1999, v.12 no.3, pp.243-247
Eom, Dong-Ok
Ban, Tae-Hwan
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After aconitine-type alkaloids have been isolated from the crude drug "Buza" as the precipitate, they could be identified with colour test, UV/Vis. absorption wavelength, TLC. The presence of aconitine-type alkaloids are confirmed by the reaction with the Reineke ion, <TEX>$[Cr(NH_3)_2(SCN)_4]^{1+}$</TEX>, and TCR ion, <TEX>$[Co(SCN)4]^{2-}$</TEX>, to produce the white precipitate or one of the containing from blue to yellowish blue. It is based on the formation of complex compounds by aconitine-type alkaloids with Reineke and TCR reagent. The method has been found to be simple, convenient and suitable for routine identification of aconitine-type alkaloids, related basic compounds, the crude drug "Buza" processed from the roots of certain Aconitum spp. plants(Ranunculaceae).

aconitine, related alkaloids, crude drug "Buza", Reineke and TCR reagent, colour test, UV/Vis. absorption wavelength, TLC

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Analytical Science and Technology