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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

A study of hydrocarbon SCR(selective catalytic reduction) on Ag/γ-Al2O3 catalyst

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2005, v.18 no.2, pp.139-146

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Removal of NO contained in automobile exhaust gas was accomplished by the non-selective catalyst reduction method. The catalysts were prepared through loading of a specific amount of Ag into γ-Al2O3. The conversion of NOx was studied by varying the temperatures, O2 concentrations and SO2 concentrations for the prepared catalysts. The influence of the structure of catalyst to NOx conversion was followed through the analysis of the physical properties of the prepared catalysts. Experiments were conducted on each of the catalysts by varying the reaction conditions to find an optimum condition. The catalyst Ag/γ-Al2O3 shows a highest NOx conversion when the Ag content was 2 wt% and a reaction temperature of about 450 ℃. and after conducting the experiments, samples of before and after experiments analyzed using XRD, XPS, TPR, and UV-Vis DRS experiments. The result indicated that when Ag oxide content could not be maintained well at high temperatures NOx conversion decreased.

Catalyst, <TEX>$NO_x$</TEX>, <TEX>$Ag/{\gamma}-Al_2O_3$</TEX>, <TEX>$SO_2$</TEX> concentration



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Analytical Science and Technology