- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
It is noted that illegal hazardous foods containing unauthorized drugs or synthetic drung analoguesare increasing. Especially, reported are unknown compounds that have the modified chemical structures of the anti-impotence drugs such as sildenafil, vardenafil, and tatalafil. In addition, it is very reserved, since illegal syntheticcompounds having similar chemical structures modified from anti-impotence drug to avoid the government inspectionare not proved their safety at all. This review in ulation to food safety, lists the illegal compounds added to foodsze 16 anti-impotence drug analogues such as homosildenafil,hongdenafil, pseudovardenafil, aminotadalafil, hydroxyhomosildenafil, hydroxyhongdenafil, dimethylsildenafil, xan-thoanthrafil, hydroxyvardenafil, norneosildenafil, demethylhongdenafil, piperidinohongdenafil, carbodenafil, thiosil-denafil, dimethylthiosildenafil, and acetylvardenafil.
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