- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
The ionic compositions of atmospheric aerosols were investigated and characterized in coastal and mountainous sites of Jeju Island, which were Gosan and Mt. Halla-1100 sites respectively. It was found that the concentrations of nss-SO_4^(2−) (non-sea salt sulfate) and NH_4^+ at two measurement sites were almost similar and they showed high concentrations in June at the same time. The concentration of soil-originated nss-Ca^(2+)(non-sea salt calcium) was generally associated with that of anthropogenic NO_3^− and its concentration was increased during spring season. From the comparison of time-series variation and regression analysis of ionic species between two measurement sites, TSP (total suspended particulate) in Gosan site was directly influenced by sea salt particles and the concentration levels of nss-SO_4^(2−), NH_4^+, nss-Ca^(2+), K^+, and NO_3^− were mainly related with long-range transported air pollutants rather than local pollution sources.
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