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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

A study of analytical method for volatile fatty acids (VFA) by cryogenic trapping-thermal desorption (CT-TD) technique

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
2011, v.24 no.3, pp.200-211

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In this study, 13 compounds including four volatile fatty acids (VFA) and nine volatile organic compounds (VOC) were analyzed by cryogenic trapping-thermal desorption technique. In order to evaluate the analytical method for VFA, calibration experiments were performed using five different sorbent materials. When the calibration results are compared between different sorbents, sampling tube filled with Carbopack X showed the highest response factor (RF) for both VFA and VOC. To validate this new analytical method for VFA using cryogenic trapping-thermal desorption technique, this method was compared with alkali absorption method recommended by the odor prevention law of the Korea Ministry of Environment (KMOE). For this purpose,unknown samples were analyzed by two different methods, i.e., cryogenic trapping-thermal desorption (TD) and alkali absorption with solid phase microextraction (SPME). When the results of two different methods were compared, ratios of concentrations determined by the two analytical methods (TD/SPME) was found as 0.46(valeric acid) ~ 0.71 (isovaleric acid). Therefore, additional study is required to properly establish and find stable analytical conditions for VFA analysis. Furthermore, comparison between two different methods should be made with more reliable calibration approaches.

volatile fatty acid (VFA), volatile organic compound (VOC), cryogenic trapping-thermal desorption, response factor, alkali absorption



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Analytical Science and Technology