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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

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    Total content characteristics of inorganic and organic substances from wastes from thermal processes

    Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
    2014, v.27 no.5, pp.254-260

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    In this study, heavy metals, PCDD/PCDFs, PAHs in wastes generated from thermal processes wereanalyzed. Waste from lead thermal metalurgy (EWC 10 04) inorganic metal substances in the regulation weredetected in the highest concentrations of Pb. EWC 10 04 seems to be a result of the dust. Waste from zincthermal metalurgy (EWC 10 05) inorganic metal substances in the regulation were detected in high concentrationof Zn. EWC 10 05 seems to be a result of the dust. Waste from copper thermal metalurgy (EWC 10 06)Cu in the 651,77 mg/kg to 651 times higher than regulation standard appeared in the copper thermal metallurgyprocess seems to be a result of dust. The concentrations of PCDD/PCDFs ranged from 0.0005~11.748 ng-TEQ/g in dust, 0.0027 ng-TEQ/g in fly ash. PCDD/PCDFs content was not detected in excessive value in regulationstandard. PAHs concentration was in the range of ND~118.9 mg/kg in Naphthalene, ND~9.6 mg/kg inPhenanthrene, ND~48.4 mg/kg in Benzo[b]fluoranthene, ND~62.6 mg/kg in Benzo[a]pyrene, ND~10.7 mg/kgin Fluoranthene, ND~11.5 mg/kg in Benzo[a]anthracene.

    thermal processes, content, unregulated/regulated hazardous waste, PCDD/DFs, PAHs



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    Analytical Science and Technology