- P-ISSN 1225-0163
- E-ISSN 2288-8985
137Cs was investigated in river bottom sediments located in South-Han River basin and it was compared with international case studies to estimate the concentration level of 137Cs in river sediment of Korea. The obtained values of 137Cs which was analyzed by gamma-ray spectrometry were in the range of <MDA~ 3.80 ± 0.14 Bq/kg·dry and similar to the 137Cs activities in soil of Korea. According to international case studies, 137Cs activities were between 3.7 to 15,396 Bq/kg·dry, when pollutants such as nuclear power plant accidents and radiation leaks were present near the rivers. The 137Cs activities showed a variety of distribution depending on the country, when pollution occurs and survey time. Also, 137Cs activities of river sediments without pollution sources were mostly less than 10 Bq/kg·dry in other countries. It was comparable with the obtained 137Cs activities in this study. The obtained values provide useful information on the background concentration of 137Cs in river sediment and will be able to use a basis for determining contamination of 137Cs in the river.
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