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  • P-ISSN 1225-0163
  • E-ISSN 2288-8985

Studies on the Transportation and Wet Deposition of Air Pollutant(<TEX>$SO_2$</TEX>) by Modeling and Precipitation Analysis in Wonju City

Analytical Science and Technology / Analytical Science and Technology, (P)1225-0163; (E)2288-8985
1996, v.9 no.1, pp.98-106
Kwon, Young Sik
Song, Dong Woong
Kang, Kyung Ho
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The concentration of sulfur dioxide in Wonju City was predicted using TCM (Texas Climatological Model). We have studied the transportation and wet deposition of <TEX>$SO_2$</TEX> using the TCM and the analysis of rainfalls. The results are as follows : At the Hak-Sung Dong site in Wonju city, the correlation coefficient between the measured and calculated concentrations were 0.904. Sulfur dioxide was washed out by wet deposition. The wet deposition ratio to total amount of emitted sulfur dioxide was higher in summer than in autumn and winter seasons due to heavy rainfall in summer. The correlation coefficient between the precipitation and wet deposition of sulfur dioxide was 0.68. The months with greater rainfall showed that the measured concentrations of sulfur dioxide were much lower than the predicted ones. Although the amount of precipitation in April was smaller than in summer, the wet deposition ratio in April was much higher than any other months, due to the sulfur dioxide that was adsorbed on particulate matter and moisture was transported during the period of yellow sand phenomena from China.

Acid deposition, Air quality modeling

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