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Traditional oil palm (Elaeis guineensis jacq.) and its medicinal uses: A review

CELLMED / CELLMED, (P)3022-6805; (E)3022-6791
2014, v.4 no.3, pp.16-16
Bamidele Victor Owoyele (University of Ilorin)
Gbenga Opeyemi Owolabi (Ladoke Akintola University)


The oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) has been reported to originate along the gulf of the guinea in West Africa. The various parts of the tree have been used locally and traditionally for various medicinal purposes. Some of these uses have been proved by scientific experiments. Palm oil is extracted from the mesocarp of the fruit and is used traditionally for the treatment of headaches, pains, rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases, arterial thrombosis and an atherosclerosis due to its rich phytonutrients. The leaves are also used for the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and wound healing. The sap also has been found to be rich in phytonutrients that can be used to treat various diseases. This review therefore seeks to explore many of the uses of the oil palm using the various parts of the oil palm.

anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, cardiovascular diseases, Elaeis guineensis, medicinal uses, oil palm, rheumatism



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