Purification and Characterization of PC-Like Cadmium-Binding Peptide from Root of Rumex crispus
Journal of Ecology and Environment / Journal of Ecology and Environment, (P)2287-8327; (E)2288-1220
2003, v.26 no.5, pp.6-266
ChangJu-Youn (Ewha Womans University)
In-SookLee (Ewha Womans University)
Jin-SungPark (Ewha Womans University)
Yoon-YoungChang (Kwangwoon University)
Bum-HanBae (Kwangwoon University)
, In-SookLee,
, Jin-SungPark,
, Yoon-YoungChang,
, &
(2003). Purification and Characterization of PC-Like Cadmium-Binding Peptide from Root of Rumex crispus. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 26(5), 6-266.