ISSN : 2287-8327
This research was investigated to prepare basic data in a study on the copper tolerance of herbaceous plants through the growth rate and the elimination rate dependent on Cu concentration of 6 species; Commelina communis, Medicago sativa, Echinochloa frumentancea, Zea mays, Helianthus annuus and Abutilon avicennae. We examined the germination rate, root and shoot growth of seedling and fresh biomass of 6 species (Commelina communis, Medicago sativa, Echinochloa frumentancea, Zea mays, Helianthus annuus and Abutilon avicennae) palnted to Cu contaminated soil (50, 100, 200, 300-CuCl2/kg) and control for 14 days. The germination rate of H. annuus, E. frumentancea and C. communis were not affected by Cu concentration. However, root and shoot growth of H. annuus was about 7% of control and the biomass was 35% of control at 300mg-CuCl2/kg. E. frumentancea and C. communis that showed good growth rate at higher Cu contaminated soil (>200 -CuCl2/kg), were the most tolerant plant to Cu concentration. Especially, E. frumentancea eliminated over 30% of Cu in soil and the amount of Cu uptake increased with increasing Cu concentration; 1,020mg Cu per 1kg of soil at 300mg-CuCl2/kg. From these results, we concluded that E. frumentancea would be used for phytoremediation.
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