ISSN : 2287-8327
This study was about heavy metal accumulation in liver and kidney of Shorebirds migrating to Yeongjong and Sammok Island. Zinc concentration was highest in liver (76.7 ㎍/wet g) and kidney (65.7 ㎍/wetg) of Limosa lapponica to Yeongjong Island. In case of manganese, the highest accumulation in liver was Tringa nebularia to Yeongjong Island, and in kidney was Charadrius alexandrinus, to Sammok Island, respectively 4.68㎍/wet g, 18.6 ㎍/wet g. Copper concentration was the highest that in liver (25.4 ㎍/wet g) was Limosa lapponica to Yeongjong Island, in kidney (11.7 ㎍/wet g) was Tringa cinereus to Sammok Island. Calidris ruficollis to Sammok Island was the highest accumulated lead and concentration was 17.0 ㎍/wet g in liver, 40.2 ㎍/wet g in kidney. Lead concentration was more in kidney than in liver. Cadmium concentration in liver was the highest accumulated Calidris alpina (0.73±0.26 ㎍/wet g) to Yeongjong Island, in kidney was the highest accumulated Charadrius alexandrinus (4.89±1.49 ㎍/wet g) to Yeongjong Island. Cadmium concentration was higher in kidney than in liver to all species. Therefore, lead and cadmium concentration was more to Yeongjong than to Sammok Island in liver and kidney except Calidris tenuirostris.
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