ISSN : 2287-8327
The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) forests were studied by a phytosociological approach.Particular atention was given to characterize the vegetation classification, distribution pattern, and ecological flora of the syntaxa classified. A total of 38 releves were analyzed by using Corelation coeficient, UPGMA as character sets such as scrambler, annual and biennial plants, forest elements, and actual urbanization index. The analyzed data are based on site-releve matrix with relative net contribution degree (r-NCD) of species. A total of 77 families, 193 genera and 323 species of vascular plants are recorded. Camellino-Robinietum pseudoacaciae ass. nov. and Phragmites-Robinia pseudoacacia community were described. Main cluster and ordination could be separated: 1) urban type, 2) rural type, 3) riparian type, and 4) combined type. It is defined that the Robinietum is a representative unit on the black locust afforestation, Phragmites-Robinia community on lino-Robinietum ailanthetosum altissimae as an urban forest type. The Robinietum was considered as a perpetual community.
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