ISSN : 2287-8327
Actual vegetation map drown with the scale 1 to 100 and Alnus japonica population in Ja-neupand Woong-neup of the Mujechi moor were described in order to monitor long-termly and preserve permanently, where is a very rare Molinietea moor and a legally protected area. A total of 3036 plots of 5m 5m were surveyed during summer 1996. Thiessen polygons of 1491 alder trees were derived from the plot data. Actual vegetation map was illustrated by 6 cover types such as needle spike-rush type, moor-grass type, alder-mor type, eulalia type, oak forest type, and exposed site. Molinia grasses native to the moor and Miscanthus grasses alien to the moor are reciprocally dominant. The area of Moliniapopulation size was dramatically in increase in the moor, particularly in Woong-neup. In Molinietea moor preservation more attention should be focused on the regulation of a nutrient rich soil from forest road and fire.
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