ISSN : 2287-8327
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the conventional pesticide application systemon the rice spider community based on the quantitative inin Baran area, Hwasung-si, Kyeonggi-do from 1996 to 1998. Spiders were the highest dominant group comprising over 90% of all natural enemies in their density, and showed very stable yearly ocurrence. In these fields the mean density of spiders was about 10 individuals/0.25m2during the rice growing season, and thre families including Lycosidae, Tetragnathidae and Linyphiidae were very abundant. The colonization of spiders occurred in early season and they showed rapid density increase in mid-season. They maintained the highest density to the late season and their density decreased at harvest season. In the years of the low rice pest occurrence, the disturbance effect on spider community by pesticides were less. Two dominant species, Pirata subpiraticus and Pachygnatha clerki, had different population dynamics; Pirata subpiraticus showed the rapid density increase in the mid-July, and most of them remained immature stages, however, in the case of Pachygnatha clerki population, they rapidly increased in the late August and most of them remained adult stage during the late growing season.
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