ISSN : 2287-8327
We investigated the effects of pollutants on two pine species (Pinus koraiensis and Pinus rigida) in an industrial region, using a physiological approach. We measured the growth and physiological parameters (photosynthetic activity and chemical contents) of the pine trees in relation to environmental pollutants. The concentrations of manganese (Mn), fluorine (F) and chlorine (Cl) in needles of two pine species at the damaged site were significantly higher than those at the control site, and concentrations of essential elements (P) and chlorophyll in needles at the damaged site were significantly lower than at the control site. The light-saturated net photosynthesis (Psat), apparent quantum yield (Φ), carboxylation efficiency (CE) of both pines at the damaged site were significantly lower than those at the control site. The length of shoots and survivorship of needles of two pines at the damaged site were significantly lower than those at the control site. Especially, at damaged site, growth of shoots and needle longevity of P. koraiensis are larger than those of P. rigida.
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