ISSN : 2287-8327
During the breeding seasons in 2002 and 2003, the influences of vegetation cover on breedingprocesses of Black-tailed Gulls (Laurs crassirostris) were studied on Hongdo Island. We checked clutch sizes, calculated hatching success and survival rates on day 15 and a vegetation cover. There was significant positive relationship between vegetation cover and hatching success, and survival on day 15. In order to analyze the relationship, sample nests were categorized as 'exposed' and 'covered' nests, and the breeding processes at than ones in exposed nests. However, in clutch size, there was no significant difference. The rate of the hatching and survival failure was different amongst the categorized nests. The primary cause of hatching failure in covered and exposed nests was 'disappeared', and the primary causes of survival failure on day 15 were 'disappeared' and 'killed by adults'. The failure in exposed nests was significantly larger than that of covered nests. In the breeding of Black-tailed Gulls on Hongdo Island, vegetation cover influenced the survival of eggs and chicks as the cover provided shelter against predators and extreme weather.
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