ISSN : 2287-8327
Changes of the species diversity and developm ent of vegetation structure during abandoned fieldsuccession after shifting cultivation were investigated in Pyoungchang, Gangwon-Do, Korea. The height of top layer tended to increase rapidly during the earlier successional stages and stabilize in the later successional stage. The heights of top layer in the 10, 20, 50 and 80 year old-field were 4, 9, 18 and 18 m, respectively. In this region, thirty five year after abandonment need for the development to the normal forest formed by 4 stratum structure, tree, sub-tree, shrub and herb layer. Among the vegetation values, Ivc showed a tendency to increase logarithmically, and Hcl a tendency to increase linearly during abandoned field succession. Species diversity showed the peak in mid-successional stages (10∼Species diversity was correlated closely with the species richness than the evenness. The most woody species established in the earlier stage (2∼6 year old-field) and turned over their dominance step by step during succession. These results support the IFC model proposed by Egler (1954).
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