ISSN : 2287-8327
This study investigated the relationship between land cover and the water quality variables in therivers, which are located in the Yamaguchi prefecture of West Japan. The study area included 12 catchmentscovering 5,809 Km2. pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended solid, E. coli, total nitrogen and total phosphorus wereconsidered as river water quality variables. Satellite data was applied to generate land cover map. For linkingalterations in land cover (at whole catchment and buffer zone levels) and the river water quality variables,(at whole catchment level) consistently explained high amounts of variation in biological oxygen demand (72%),suspended solid (72%) and total nitrogen (87%). At buffer zone-scale, multiple regression models that weredeveloped to represent the linkage between the alterations of land cover and the river water quality variablescould also explain high level of total variations in suspended solid (86%) and total nitrogen (91%).
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