ISSN : 2287-8327
The tissue water relation parameters were compared to assess the resistance of representativethree gardening tree species to water stress. Zelkova serrata showed a strong resistant characteristics to water stress compared to Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Liriodendron turipifera. Turgor pressure at turgor loss point in Z. serrata was -2.54 MPa, whereas those of B. platyphylla var. japonica and L. turipifera were -2.24 and -2.03, respectively. In addition, Z. serrata showed less reduction in pressure potential to decrease of free water content in the leaf tissue, indicating effective shrinking of the cell wall compared to others. On the other hand, L. turipiferapoint and cell wall elasticity. These results suggest that Z. serrata would be suitable for relatively dry conditions of location and humid conditions of location would be suitable for L. dendronas plantation.
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